So, I'm not usually one for superstitions and such, but this year is year of the dragon in the Chinese zodiac. I'm a year of the dragon baby and I can't help but feel a little excited about the year to come. I feel like the universe is finally on my side sayin," Ok, Spring I got your back." And that feels pretty great. My optimism is boundless: my determination unyielding. It feels like this is gonna be my year, but does that mean it's time to buy lotto tickets? Well, maybe not, but more importantly its time to enter shows, make some great art, and get my name out there. For 21 years, I have been pursing my craft: learning, reading, experimenting in relative solitude. It has been nice and safe. But tomorrow I will sign up for my first gallery show. Yes, it's at school. Yes, it's long over due. But for me it will be a milestone that I have looked forward to for a very long time. I'm excited and terrified. I really don't wanna suck. But first, I have to wait in line and fight it out with other students just to wrangle the spot. I am told that the line for gallery sign-ups is something like the line at Walmart on Black Friday, in Oakland. So common dragon don't fail me now!